i.vpoint's warp overlay now works. Get to it from the analyze menu.
(plots vector from target location over source raster using inverse
coordinate transformation of the given order)
still doesn't work correctly on source zoom-in. (but I've got that
partially working locally)
it was pretty easy, right before plot line commands do:
CRS_georef(x, y, &x, &y, E, N, trans_order);
to convert x,y coordinates to the other projection.
E,N are group.E21,group.N21 transform arrays created with
group.equation_stat = CRS_compute_georef_equations(&group.points,
group.E12, group.N12, group.E21, group.N21, order);
I don't know how this could be accessed outside of a C module.
currently you need to use an old version of i.find.