[GRASS-dev] Interpolation in grass for MSG images.

Hi to all

I'm working in a command to make the geometrical correction of MSG
images. At this time, I have the points and its values (xy-coordinates
and radiance values) to execute an interpolation procedure. However, I
do not know how it do. At the moment, the best solution looks like to be
to include the v.surf.idw command (obviusly, I have a lot of question
too). Somebody have another solution???

Thanks for the attention.

Juan Diego Giraldo Osorio

Juan Diego Giraldo Osorio wrote:

I'm working in a command to make the geometrical correction of MSG
images. At this time, I have the points and its values (xy-coordinates
and radiance values) to execute an interpolation procedure. However, I
do not know how it do. At the moment, the best solution looks like to
be to include the v.surf.idw command (obviusly, I have a lot of
question too). Somebody have another solution???

v.surf.rst is nice for interpolating point data into smooth raster


Hi everyone

I'm a beginner programmer in GRASS, but in the v.example code (main.c
file) I have found a little mistake in this line:

Vect_check_input_output_name ( new->answer, old->answer, GV_FATAL_EXIT );

The correct form (I think) is the next:

Vect_check_input_output_name ( old->answer, new->answer, GV_FATAL_EXIT );

Only shift "new" by "old", because the first function parameter is the
"input" file ("old") and the second funtion parameter is the "output"
file ("new").

Without this correction the error message was.

ERROR: Cannot find input map 'output_file'

I hope this message help to anothers beginners.