Hamish wrote:
> > [debian/stable (sarge)]
> >
> > just updated to the latest GRASS 6.3-cvs. libproj didn't complile,
> > complained about missing -lgeos. this fixed it:
> >
> > # ln -s /usr/liblibgeos.so.2.1.1 /usr/lib/libgeos.so
Glynn Clements wrote:
> That suggests that you need a -dev[el] package.
> The unversioned symlinks are only needed when compiling, so they are
> normally only included in development packages.
> > is this something new? The only thing that changed recently on my
> > machine was I moved libgdal temporarily out the way to test startup
> > errors.
> >
> > or was it a recent change somewhere else?
> I'm fairly sure it's a GDAL thing. If GDAL was built with --with-geos,
> -lgeos will probably appear in the output of "gdal-config --dep-libs".
$ apt-file search /usr/lib/libgeos.so
libgeos-dev: usr/lib/libgeos.so
libgeos2: usr/lib/libgeos.so.2
libgeos2: usr/lib/libgeos.so.2.1.1
$ dpkg -s libgeos-dev
Package `libgeos-dev' is not installed and no info is available.
$ gdal-config --dep-libs
-L/usr/lib -lgeos -lodbc -L/usr/lib -lxerces-c -lpthread -ljasper -lmfhdf -ldf -lgif -ljpeg -ltiff -lpng -lnetcdf -lcfitsio -L/usr/lib -lpq -lz -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl
$ dpkg -s libgdal1-1.3.1 | grep Version
Version: 1.3.1-0.dgis.stable.2
(this hasn't changed since March)
I am wondering what changed in the GRASS source so now we need geos devel
packages as well?
Nothing changed in GRASS; it's GDAL that appears to have changed.
configure.in has:
So GRASS needs whatever gdal-config claims to need.
If GDAL is a shared library with dependency information, you don't
actually *need* those switches to link against GDAL, but we have no
way of knowing that gdal-config is lying.
OTOH, if GDAL is a static library, or a shared library which lacks
that information, we do need those switches or else unresolved-symbol
errors will occur.
New GRASS 6.3+ packages will have to add libgeos-dev to the build-depends
list in the debian/control file.
It only needs gdal-dev (or whatever it's called). The gdal-dev package
needs to list libgeos-dev as a dependency; if it doesn't, that's
gdal-dev's bug, not ours.
Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>