I thought you were going to work out some sort of Python way to handle the need for an xterm? Or have you gotten that far yet?
In all the tcl scripts I found that use it, it looks like they all terminate the [command] with &.
Question: is that on PPC or Intel or both? I've noticed a problem with grass-xterm-wrapper on PPC - after running GRASS.app once, future runs fail unless Terminal.app is quit first. It's strange because it doesn't always happen, but I think it has something to do with AppleScript. ie:
double-click GRASS.app
Terminal starts
grass.sh runs in new Terminal window and Tcl GUI starts
GRASS.app quits
select mapset
double-click GRASS.app again
Terminal activates
grass.sh runs in new Terminal window and Tcl GUI starts (2 running now)
GRASS.app quits
click the Define location with projection values button, so it uses grass-xterm-wrapper to run set_data in a new Terminal window
quit all running grass shells, but leave Terminal.app running.
double-click GRASS.app again
Terminal activates
[grass.sh does NOT run]
GRASS.app quits
There are also random cases where grass-xterm-wrapper starts a Terminal window, but never runs the [command] - kinda similar to your problem. Hmmm.
It all works fine on my MacBook.
I asked the Applescript list earlier in the week but haven't heard anything yet (it's an awfully quiet list...).
I have a couple things I'm going to try. But I may have to revert grass-xterm-wrapper if I can't figure out what's wrong.
On Jun 23, 2007, at 7:53 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
I just had a chance to test the Mac xterm wrapper--that uses the terminal rather than an xterm--in wxgrass. It hangs on exit, but it may be the way the command is issued.
$GISBASE/etc/grass-xterm-wrapper -name xterm-grass -e $GISBASE/etc/grass-run.sh [command]
Is this OK for the Mac wrapper?
It works fine with TclTk.
William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>
All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.