On Tuesday 26 February 2008 12:04:10 pm Hamish wrote:
> DocBook, custom XML, or even some kind of LaTeX hybrid (like the R
> manual system) might be useful. Moving thing between HTML and Man
> page format would be another story-- but probably doable with some
> kind of simple parser/converter.
HTML is Hyper *TEXT Markup Language*. XML is anything Markup Language.
HTML is clearer & native for our need, and much more well known.
Right-- HTML works well and is simple to author / maintain.
What we need is a text markup language and that's exactly what we've
got, I don't see any point in moving away from it. As it is a
structured text markup language there are many tools to cleanly convert
it to other document formats. We need a clear text markup language with
access to links, and that's exactly what HTML provides. I've never felt
limited by it.
I agree 100%. I was just throwing out some ideas. Perhaps I became a little
too interested in adding structure / complexity were it is not needed.
If there's a problem with the help pages it has to do with out of date
content, not the markup structure. And Eric has stepped up to help
tackle the out-of-date problem. Perhaps some dead-link-checking tool
could be helpful to highlight SEE ALSOs to unported GRASS 5 modules?
> It would be nice to have the option of converting the base manual
> into one's favorite format: Man pages, HTML, LateX, PDF, etc.
we can already do that.
I should have been more clear: I meant that (if we were to switch to some
other markup/encoding of the core documentation) ... it would be nice to
convert that into Man pages.
as discussed, the default `make` creates man pages
to get PDF versions just run:
make html2pdfdoc
make html2pdfdoccomplete
The above two require the htmldoc program (-> PS, PDF)
If LaTeX is wanted, there is gnuhtml2latex, LyX, probably many others.
Sure. Again, I was throwing out some ideas.
In Frank's message fwd'd by Helena, he mentions reStructured text.
Perhaps good for writing a book but not for help pages IMO. (I used it
in a script to create the PDF book version of
galleryofmapprojections.com; but still needed to hack in raw LaTeX to
the result to get what I wanted)
The current issue with g.html2man is just a tiny coding bug, easily
fixed. The perl dependency and the brittleness of it are not nice, but
99% of the description.html files do not use advanced tags and so it
suffices. Also it is already written and tested, which counts for a
OK. What I had in mind when posting some of these last messages was some kind
of base format (machine readable) in which the docs were stored / created at
compile time, such that conversion to HTML, Man pages etc. could be improved
by modern text processing (XSLT for XML, latex2man for latex, etc)
However, if the docs are kept simple then the existing perl scrip should do
the job.
$ apt-cache search html2
gnuhtml2latex - A Perl script that converts html files to latex
html2ps - HTML to PostScript converter
html2text - An advanced HTML to text converter
html2wml - converts HTML pages to WML (WAP) or i-mode pages
libgtkhtml2-0 - HTML rendering/editing library (for GNOME2)
libgtkhtml2-dev - HTML rendering/editing library for (GNOME2)
libgtkhtml2-ruby - GtkHTML bindings for the Ruby language
lyx - High Level Word Processor
stx2any - Converter from structured plain text to other formats
sylpheed-claws-gtk2-html2-viewer - HTML mail/attachment viewer for
Sylpheed-Claws GTK2 mailer
xhtml2ps - HTML to PostScript converter (Tcl/Tk GUI frontend)
Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis