r.out.vrml is right (and p.out.vrml just a link for backward
2006-11-02 07:12 hamish
* Makefile, description.html, main.c, put_grid.c, put_view.c, pv.h,
vrml.c: move p.out.vrml to r.out.vrml in source tree (previously
renamed) ** removed unused paint/ dir **
On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 11:49:04PM -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
I¹m trying to catch up with new commands not in the GUI menu.
What is the difference between r.out.vrml and p.out.vrml. They both have the
same description.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University
r.li.patch* all use the same CLI parameters (meanPatchSize too), so I
suggest lumping them all together in a single r.li.patch command, with a
"tool=" or "option=" parameter to select the analysis wanted.
Alternatively just lump r.li.patchAreaDistribution* into "r.li.pad" with
a tool= or option= parameter for those three.
then just r.li.contrastWeightedEdgeDensity and r.li.meanPixelAttribute
are left to rename. (r.li.wed + r.li.mpa ??)
r.li.patch* all use the same CLI parameters (meanPatchSize too), so I
suggest lumping them all together in a single r.li.patch command, with a
"tool=" or "option=" parameter to select the analysis wanted.
Alternatively just lump r.li.patchAreaDistribution* into "r.li.pad" with
a tool= or option= parameter for those three.
then just r.li.contrastWeightedEdgeDensity and r.li.meanPixelAttribute
are left to rename. (r.li.wed + r.li.mpa ??)
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University