Hi all,
I've uploaded a new script for the WIKI, called r.csr: (csr stands for
colored, shaded-relief)
This script integrates r.colors, r.neighbors, r.his, r.composite to produce
colored, shaded-relief images in one step. Input rasters can be given singly
or in batch mode by specifying a wildcard search pattern. Rasters are shaded
according to default shading parameters (45 degree altitude, 315 azimuth,
10x), which can be changed. r.his is used to combine the colored elevation
map with the shade map to produce 3 RGB rasters. These RGB maps are combined
using r.composite, producing the fianl output CSR map. I included a few
flags to allow optional tiff output to be created from the CSR map, as well
as archival with tar and bzip2/gzip compression.
I created this script out of the need to quickly produce a series of CSR
maps from many input rasters without having to mess around with r.his and
r.composite for every map. This script is really useful if you want to see
the effects of different shading parameters for a given input map, or if you
need to create archived tiffs of many CSR maps at once. I intended for the
script to only require one parameter, the input, to produce a finished
output CSR map.
I welcome any comments or ideas for improvements. I've been using it quite
extensively over the last month, and its worked quite nicely so far.
~ Eric.