[GRASS-dev] Parallel computing for r.sun

I have an interest in being able to run GRASS modules (not this one) in a large cluster HPC environment. However, for most users most of the time, the biggest bang for the buck will be for making it run in parallel on multi-core desktop systems first.



On 29 January 2013 19:11, Newcomb, Doug <doug_newcomb@fws.gov> wrote:

I would vote for multicore OpenMP/OPENCL. I just purchased an 8 core AMD Vishera MB and CPU combo for under $300US to use at home , which is faster than the 8 core Xeon server system I used to do statewide solar irradiation modeling at work for a 755 Million cell grid for 365 days (half hour increments) in 2011. With the advances in multicore architecture ( who knows what core densities ARM will bring?) and utilization of the processing elements in video cards, I think you will benefit many more users on going the multicore route.


On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Ruzicka Jan <jan.ruzicka@vsb.cz> wrote:

Dear developers,

We are planning to rewrite the module r.sun for parallel computation and would like to ask you, which platform is more desired by the GRASS community. To our understanding there are two main ways of development. Either we design it for multi-core desktop systems that use shared memory (for example with use of OpenMP) or create module for large clusters with use of MPI library.

Which way do you think would benefit GRASS more?

Best regards

Jan Ruzicka

grass-dev mailing list

Doug Newcomb
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newcomb@fws.gov

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grass-dev mailing list

Yann Chemin


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