I’m reporting an error on behalf of a student. She tried to install Wingrass 6.4RC2 on her Windoze 7 machine and got the following error[1] when trying to launch the program: Path names containing spaces are not supported. Problem is that she has confirmed all the default paths during installation, also for grass data set. Several students did the same also on Win 7 without problems. So, what’s wrong? Please help…
Eng. Margherita Di Leo
Ph.D. Candidate
Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring
Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics (DIFA)
University of Basilicata
Campus Macchia Romana
85100 - Potenza
50 rem if installed in a directory containing spaces prepare for a world of
51 for /F %%i IN ('echo %WD%') DO @set PART1=%%i
52 if NOT "%PART1%" == "%WD%" (
53 echo Path names containing spaces are not supported -- aborting.
54 pause
55 exit 1
56 )
i.e. here on my box wingrass living in C:\Program Files\GRASS 6.4.SVN and
starting without any problems