[GRASS-dev] PDF links in modules manuals should be opened externally (OS Web browser)


Clicking on the i.spec.unmix PDF link in the module manual tab returns the PDF in raw text format (not-human readable) in the same integrated viewer.

Maybe opening it in the OS Web Browser would be an option, or?



On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Yann Chemin <ychemin@gmail.com> wrote:


Clicking on the i.spec.unmix PDF link in the module manual tab returns the
PDF in raw text format (not-human readable) in the same integrated viewer.

Maybe opening it in the OS Web Browser would be an option, or?

Can you take some screenshots or explain more? I just tried the HTML file

in source code and it is fine. The link to PDF opens the PDF file in
browser. I'm using Firefox which uses PDF.js for PDFs.

If the separate tab should be opened that's different think. People seems
not to agree what's right. Some say you can use target="_blank" some other
that it is a bad practice almost always and you should leave it completely
on the user (even non-advanced user can usually go back).


PS: The i.spec.unmix manual is not online (generated)?




grass-dev mailing list

Yes Vaclav,

Run I.spec.unmix from grass, then go to the manual tab, the click on PDF, the link in the reference section, within the gui of the module I find that problem.



On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Yann Chemin <ychemin@gmail.com> wrote:


Clicking on the i.spec.unmix PDF link in the module manual tab returns the PDF in raw text format (not-human readable) in the same integrated viewer.

Maybe opening it in the OS Web Browser would be an option, or?

Can you take some screenshots or explain more? I just tried the HTML file in source code and it is fine. The link to PDF opens the PDF file in browser. I’m using Firefox which uses PDF.js for PDFs.

If the separate tab should be opened that’s different think. People seems not to agree what’s right. Some say you can use target=“_blank” some other that it is a bad practice almost always and you should leave it completely on the user (even non-advanced user can usually go back).


PS: The i.spec.unmix manual is not online (generated)?



grass-dev mailing list

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 6:10 AM, Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus@gmail.com> wrote:

PS: The i.spec.unmix manual is not online (generated)?


--> No because the addon manuals are generated on Windows and
lapack/blas are not present on that machine || the configure script
lacks --with-blas --with-lapack:

main.c:31:2: error: #error GRASS is not configured with BLAS
main.c:35:2: error: #error GRASS is not configured with LAPACK
