I have a group of vectors to georeference, but can’t create a group of vectors using g.gui.gcp.
At the first menu: Select map type and location/mapset, i successfully select vector radio button and location and mapset.
At the next menu, i have to create the group, but the menu is partly not responsive. In the field ‘select group’ I can’t neither write nor browse any options. If I add vector maps to group (but i guess first i have to name/create a group) I can pick the layers that i want to add, but they are not added to anything, the ‘next’ button is grey and can’t be pushed, and in the terminal appears:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/grass-7.1.svn/gui/wxpython/gcp/manager.py”, line 529, in OnVGroup
File “/usr/local/grass-7.1.svn/gui/wxpython/gcp/manager.py”, line 2262, in MakeVGroup
f = open(self.vgrpfile, mode=‘w’)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/madi/grassdata/non_georef/PERMANENT/group/VREF’
If I go on create/edit group, in the field ‘select existing group or enter name of new group’ I write a name, then ‘select all’ - ‘add’ opens a menu in which i can’t select ‘vector’ but only raster. I guess i should be able to select vector because there is an arrow down to the raster option, but raster is the only option i can actually select. I find it counter intuitive since i have already made the choice in the previous menus between raster and vectors. However, from this menu I get stuck, if i push apply, with select all option, I get the strange message of ‘no raster maps selected’. (why raster?). In the end, I’m not able to create a group of vector.
Perhaps I’m missing something?
Tested it on grass 7.1.svn (r65171) on Fedora.
Thank you in advance
Margherita Di Leo