[GRASS-dev] Programming manual updated


recently programming manual for vector library was updated. The main
addition is FAQ page [1]. Questions were answered by MarkusM. Thank
you Markus. I hope that more questions will be added and answered in
the future.

The smaller changes includes removing of last Doxygen entries from
dglib and rtree directories which were considered as confusing and not
helpful because they are not part of the GRASS API.

The number of Doxygen warnings was reduced by a small clean up. Feel
free to continue. There are many warnings which can be fixed easily if
you know the code or documentation. The reduced number of warnings
will help to catch the new ones. However, contributing the
documentation itself is even more welcome.

Sometimes, Doxygen can be complex. If you are unsure with Doxygen
syntax or rearing Doxygen warnings feel free to contact me on mailing
list or personally. I will try to help.

Thanks also MarkusN for managing programming manual on the sever.


[1] http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/vlibFAQ.html
[2] r55439 - r55460

You can generate documentation yourself and save the error messages to a file:

PATH=/home/vasek/app/doxygen-svn/bin/:$PATH make htmldox-single >
stddox.log 2> errordox.log

I usually filter some warnings not related to my files or so:

grep -v "are not documented" errordox.log | grep -v "^ parameter
'.*'$" | grep -v " is not found in the argument list " | grep -v "tag
<Layer> found" |grep -v "Found unknown command .*mapset" | grep -v
"Found unknown command .*PERMANENT" > errordox-filtered.log

Another update of Vector library page. List of functions was moved to
a separate page and sectioning was changed. I would like to group
existing subsections of that page more but I don't know the library
enough to do this grouping.


http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/vlibLists.html (I suppose this link)

PS: MarkusN, please, generate the manual.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus@gmail.com> wrote:

http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/vlibLists.html (I suppose this link)

PS: MarkusN, please, generate the manual.

Done so! Nice work.
