A great discussion thread has come to my attention.
3 issues in this post
I should know what is going on. And I guess I don’t. As a user I don’t live in the release and bug world and so just recently learned that all the developers are running around crazy like to get us the software we use. I appreciate their hard work. This would however present a great reason to get more USERS involved in the process so that OSGEO or PSC related activities are not placed on hold around release time. Share the burdon and share the success. So this is a perfect time for those silent users to step up and help the project while we wait for the developers to come out and play.
I have been informed that a feeling out there is that
“there is definitely a support for joining OSGEO, it is just that the procedure with PSC is not working very well.”
So I would love some input about what is not working well that would hinder participation and maybe some sugestions of what can be done.
Is this a procedure issue from the point of vie of how OSGEO runs PSC’s or how the GRASS community is going about it?
- From the e-mails I have been receiving it seems that there may be an interest in anonymity perhaps. Is this true?
Any input on how we can make the PSC Process beter would be great