[GRASS-dev] Public Address Geo Coding: Join the Team

Public Address Geo Coding: Join the Team

Dave Sampson here,

This is a blunt call for programmers and users that would be interested in another geometrics related open source project.

PAGC is the Public Address Geo Coder. We are looking to diversify our coder base and also get the word out about this established but quiet project. We are looking for a lead code architect to lead the charge from a CLI to a library with bindings to python etc.

We are also looking for all types of skill sets and inputs to contribute.

The Postal Address Geo-Coder (or PAGC) is a command line program written in ANSI C that uses an address-ranged street network shapefile and an address list (in a dbf format file) to create a point shapefile that provides the longitude/latitude coordinates of each matched address, and maintains the attribute information in the original address database file. PAGC is Open Source, and is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. PAGC has been built and tested under GNU-Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X. However, since it is written in ANSI C, it should be possible to build and use PAGC under any operating system that provides a command line interface.

While PAGC is currently a command line program, we have a major initiative to create a C library based on the code and algorithms used in the command line program. This should allow other open source GIS oriented projects to add postal address geo-coding features to their software.

The Web page: http://www.pagcgeo.org/
Sourceforge site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pagc/

Dev mailing list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pagc-devel
User Mailing List: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/pagc-users

If you’re looking for a project to get involved with at a critical juncture then this is your bet.

Join the list(s) and introduce yourself. You might see some familiar faces.