[GRASS-dev] r.colors bug?


I am not sure if I found a bug or if something is wrong with my raster images.

If I use r.colors to change my raster colours, nothing happens and if I add a
legend, it does not show the same colour palette as visible in the raster
image but the one I specified by r.colors.

can somebody replicate this behaviour?

using GRASS cvs from yesterday.

regards, Martin

On Friday 05 May 2006 17:45, Hamish wrote:

> I am not sure if I found a bug or if something is wrong with my raster
> images.
> If I use r.colors to change my raster colours, nothing happens and if
> I add a legend, it does not show the same colour palette as visible
> in the raster image but the one I specified by r.colors.
> can somebody replicate this behaviour?
> using GRASS cvs from yesterday.

If using gis.m the r.colors call will not trigger that graphics layer to
be updated. Try zooming, restarting the monitor, or restarting the gis.m

zoom in - zoom out changed the colour settings for the raster. thanks for the

I did r.colors from the command line as well as from gis.m - same result.

If from the command line I'm confused, d.legend and d.rast should access
the map's colors in the same way.

command line only:

d.legend/d.rast does not work from the command line at once:
"No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>"

if I do
d.mon x0
d.rast ...
d.legend ...

it works with the correct colour settings.



Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
Dept. of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
mobile: +49-(0)175 2091725
fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961