[GRASS-dev] Re: gis.m: another 2 region bugs [was: gis.m: 2 region handling bugs]

Michael Barton wrote:


Not saying I don't believe you. But I zoomed in and out multiple times on 2
different maps open at the same time (I used roads and elevation_dem in
Spearfish to have a raster and a vector). Maybe you're doing some other
operation you didn't mention?


Offlist I'm sending you a sample swf video where you can see all the
operations that lead to a bogus zoom-in when two Map Displays are
active. Maybe now the bug is obvious enough. Let me know if I should
eleborate further.

To play the video, just double-click the html file included (given that
your browser has a flash plugin installed).

I could transform it to mpeg, but the picture will be blury.

The file is 3MB. Let me know if too big, I'try to send it some other
way then.



The swf was produced using vncserver and vncviewer on the same machine,
while pyvnc2swf-0.8.2 http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/ was
recording the vncviewer window. Nice stuff for screencasting.