[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] can't use r.recode from standart GUI

Nicolas Devaux wrote:

I'm trying to use the r.recode fonction via the GUI (raster, change
categories values.../recode categories using rules). When I launch the
fonction, proper window opens, but when I click run, a terminal window
strart to open and close very quickly. Hence, I can't notify new values
to use for recoding the raster map. If I use the r.recode fonction from
the Grass terminal, everything is working properly...
Does someone have any tip for this problem?

There are several possible fixes/workarounds:

1. Use the "Recode categories using rules file" option instead; that
reads the rules from a file, rather than from a terminal.

2. Add the path to the GRASS library directory (e.g.
/usr/local/grass6/lib) to /etc/ld.so.conf, then run "ldconfig".

3. Change the last line of the etc/gm/script/r.recode.rules script to:

exec xterm -e $GISBASE/etc/grass-run.sh r.recode input=$GIS_OPT_INPUT output=$GIS_OPT_OUTPUT

Also, I'll commit a fixed r.recode.rules script to CVS.

Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>