It's good to finally find out where these start-up errors are coming from.
The easiest workaround is simply not to use AdvancedSplashScreen. AFAICT, there is no point to using this at the present, since all the arguments we are using are the same for the normal wx.SplashScreen and the wx.AdvancedSplash splash screen.
A little digging into the code in wx.AdvancedSplash and experimentation on my part indicates that the argument description in the wx.Python 2.8 docs are incorrect. However, using the correct arguments and values (as found in the code itself) also raises errors. For example, the docs list an extrastyles argument, but this does not exist. The correct syntax is agwStyle. AFAICT, only the AS_TIMEOUT and AS_SHADOW_BITMAP values are recognized at present, and AS_TIMEOUT raises other errors when used. It seems like this module is buggy. Although the current errors do not cause problems, trying to make any use of the 'advanced' features would.
So my suggestion is simply to drop using wx.AdvancedSplash for now.
On Mar 18, 2012, at 1:44 PM, Anna Kratochvílová wrote:
2012/3/18 Michael Barton <>:
I found the problem. It's the 'advanced splash screen' (in the agw package) called
Although the advanced splash screen can do some additional things beyond the normal splash screen, we don't really use much (or any?) of those capabilities.
I don't have any experience with it. You can try to use wx.CallAfter
(as advised in the wxwidgets bug report) when setting splash screen.Something like:
def SetSplashScreen(self, splashScreen):
....if SC:
splash = SC.AdvancedSplash(bitmap = introBmp, timeout = 2000,
parent = None, id = wx.ID_ANY)
wx.CallAfter(self.SetSplashScreen, splash)Again, I really don't know what's going on. I think it's not GRASS gui
fault, problem seems to be in wxwidgets and Mac. The same for the next
error message (CFURLCreateWithString ...), I doubt anything can be
done by GRASS developers. Maybe some workaround exists but I can't
google anything now.Anna
import wx.lib.agw.advancedsplash as SC
except ImportError:
SC = None...
if SC:
splash = SC.AdvancedSplash(bitmap = introBmp,
timeout = 2000, parent = None, id = wx.ID_ANY)
splash.SetText(_('Starting GRASS GUI...'))
splash.SetTextColour(wx.Colour(45, 52, 27))
splash.SetTextFont(wx.Font(pointSize = 15, family = wx.DEFAULT, style = wx.NORMAL,
weight = wx.BOLD))
splash.SetTextPosition((150, 430))Every call to splash produces "<Error>: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0"
On Mar 18, 2012, at 12:53 AM, Anna Kratochvílová wrote:
2012/3/17 Michael Barton <>:
Where did you insert this? I can do a quick test. I'd be delighted if we
could avoid those annoying error messages.Not sure what 'where' means, here [1] is the changeset. According to
this email [2] the error message 'CGContextRestoreGState: invalid
context' is supposed to show up immediately after wxGUI start. This
fix is just a guess, I really don't understand what's going on. Are
there any other annoying messages on Mac?Anna
[1] Changeset 51089 – GRASS GIS
[2] [GRASS-user] error message from GRASS 7 on mac osMichael
Begin forwarded message:
I added CallAfter as suggested (r51089), let's see if it helps.
C. Michael Barton
Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research &
University Consortium for Atmospheric Research
303-497-2889 (voice)Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
www:, http://csdc.asu.edu_____________________
C. Michael Barton
Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research &
University Consortium for Atmospheric Research
303-497-2889 (voice)Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
C. Michael Barton
Visiting Scientist, Integrated Science Program
National Center for Atmospheric Research &
University Consortium for Atmospheric Research
303-497-2889 (voice)
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University