Hamish wrote:
hmmm, it would seem I never committed the DebianGIS patch to fix the build
dir from the build-server's value to the end-user's installed value:sudo sed -i -e 's+^\(GRASS_HOME*=\) /build/.*+\1 ${INST_DIR}+' \
-e 's+^\(RUN_GISBASE*=\) /build/.*+\1 ${INST_DIR}+' \
/usr/lib/grass64/include/Make/Platform.makeBut even after fixing that I notice there is still more to do before it
will work properly on a system without a full source install. I've just
committed a couple fixes to devbr6;
stuff still needed for Debian/Ubuntu's grass-dev package---
man page building:
install tools/mkhtml.sh onto end-user's system
install tools/g.html2man/g.html2man onto end-user's system
install the fakeroot package (maybe just needed for debian/ubuntu?)
I still get error messages from the demolocation that:
ERROR: G_getenv(): Variable LOCATION_NAME not set
but the pages seem to build ok. (non-fatal)
I see this strange message too, (non-fatal)
/bin/sh: cannot create /usr/lib/grass64/locale/scriptstrings/r.surf.volcano_to_translate.c: Directory nonexistent
(r.surf.volcano is a shell script not .c)
so with devbr6's g.extension.sh it now builds the addon ok in
the .tmp/ dir, but still fails before it gets to the install. (fatal)
It gets up to this part of Grass.make:
and then reverts back to the default ARCH_DISTDIR instead of the
override version (in $MAPSET/.tmp/.../dist) used earlier in the build.
mkdir -p /home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/dist/man/man1
GRASS_PERL=/usr/bin/perl VERSION_NUMBER=6.4.1 sh /usr/lib/grass64/tools/g.html2man/g.html2man /home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/dist/docs/html/r.surf.volcano.html /home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/dist/man/man1/r.surf.volcano.1 1
Converting: /home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/dist/docs/html/r.surf.volcano.html to /home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/dist/man/man1/r.surf.volcano.1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
INST_NOW= make
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
mkdir -p /usr/lib/grass64/bin.i486-pc-linux-gnu
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/lib/grass64/bin.i486-pc-linux-gnu': Permission denied
make[2]: *** [/usr/lib/grass64/bin.i486-pc-linux-gnu] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
make[1]: *** [inst_now] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hamish/grassdata/ll_wgs84/hamish/.tmp/xubuntu10/20371.0/r.surf.volcano'
make: *** [first] Error 2
(permission denied as it's run from a regular user account)
any ideas?