[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Intersections on World Map

Martin Bley wrote:

I still get stucked on an issue using v.overlay. I
imported a shapefile with the world continents (the one
from ESRI). Projection is Lat-Long.

VERTI L 2 1 -180 -80 180 -80 1 1

Now I use the following command to merge the intersection
between the latitude (80 South) and the areas in the
world continents vector.

v.overlay ainput=$vector atype=line alayer=1 binput=World
btype=area \ blayer=1 output=$out operator=and

Works pretty well so far, until I reach latitude South
75+. Intersections doesn't match continents anymore
(please see attached PNG file).

I would appreciate any hint.


There is a known bug/feature in v.overlay in lat/long
locations [1]. I can't say if it has the same background as
your issue. It might. Letting you know just in case.

