[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] Parse error in g.setproj?

[CC'd to grass-dev]

Moskovitz, Bob wrote:

I've been trying to correct a location using g.setproj and ran into
a problem. As you can see below, I was setting the projection to
NAD27 State Plane in California. When I listed the counties in
California, only the first word was displayed. So, when I was trying
to use the state plane associated with San Francisco, I was
surprised to find 7 lines of the word "SAN".

Specify County FIPS (numeric) code for state CA
Enter 'list' for the list of counties in CA with corresponding FIPS codes
Hit RETURN to cancel request
  69 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN BENITO
  71 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN BERNARDINO
  73 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN DIEGO
  75 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN FRANCISCO
  77 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN JOAQUIN
  79 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN LUIS OBISPO
  81 -- SAN <-- Should be SAN MATEO
  83 -- SANTA <-- Should be SANTA BARBARA

Try the attached patch.

Question for developers: is the FIPS.code file supposed to have fixed
width columns? It looks as if it should have, but it has been
corrupted due to accidental re-formatting. Is there an "official"
source for this file?

Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>


g.setproj-stp.diff (717 Bytes)