[GRASS-dev] Re: Not universal building on Mac


i have the same problem (nviz crash)

to avoid any conflict with other libraries that i’ve installed on my mac (intel machine)
i formatted the HD
i installed osx on it
Xcode and GCC
now i’m tring to buid grass on a fresh osx 10.4.9 installation

(so i’m sure that there is not external library or
somethink like fink-darwinports environment that can be a possible conflict)

to install grass as first step,
i installed the tcltk library (8.14) from source as suggested in the readme file.
then i tried to configure grass63-cvs =

cvs downoad …
cd …/grass6
make distclean

./configure --prefix=/Applications --enable-macosx-app --enable-sysv

export TCLTKPREFIX=/usr/local/tcltk/


sudo make install

.configure give me not errors
idem with make
butr try to use nviz … it crash!

again i tried to configure grass with the same .configure,
but in usr/local instead of /application :

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ …(without : --enable-macosx-app ) …

i’ve the same results (nviz crash)
using the --prefix=/usr/local

grass start with a native aqua gui and no x11
(can this hep to indagate the nviz problem ?)


Il giorno 09/mag/07, alle ore 17:24, grass-dev-request@grass.itc.it ha scritto:

I did make distclean before compiling. On the binary nviz is still crashing

On May 9, 2007, at 11:01 AM, massimo di stefano wrote:


i have the same problem (nviz crash)

to avoid any conflict with other libraries that i've installed on my mac (intel machine)
i formatted the HD
i installed osx on it
Xcode and GCC
now i'm tring to buid grass on a fresh osx 10.4.9 installation

(so i'm sure that there is not external library or
somethink like fink-darwinports environment that can be a possible conflict)

A little extreme, but a good test :slight_smile:

to install grass as first step,
i installed the tcltk library (8.14) from source as suggested in the readme file.
then i tried to configure grass63-cvs =

cvs downoad ...
cd ../grass6
make distclean

./configure --prefix=/Applications --enable-macosx-app --enable-sysv



These are larks - unnecessary. The X11 checks should work automatically on a clean system, but these options may help when there are problems in configure on dirty systems.

--with-opengl-libs=/usr/X11R6/lib should be the only option needed. Without it, the opengl checks might accidentally find the OSX version of the opengl libs, not the X11 version, and this may be what is confusing NVIZ and causing the crash.


I haven't tried building with the internal python interface yet, and I don't think it has anything to do with the wxpython GUI, but I could be wrong.


I think this one is automatic, so there's no need to explicitly set it.

export TCLTKPREFIX=/usr/local/tcltk/


sudo make install

.configure give me not errors
idem with make
butr try to use nviz ... it crash!

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.

On 5/9/07, William Kyngesburye <woklist@kyngchaos.com> wrote:

> --with-python

I haven't tried building with the internal python interface yet, and
I don't think it has anything to do with the wxpython GUI, but I
could be wrong.

So far, there is no relation between the python swig-based interface
enabled by --with-python and the GUI built using python. The former
should allow for building commands using only python and the grass
bindings: these provide access to the C-level GRASS API. The latter
uses the command interface to interact with GRASS.


-- Daniel Calvelo Aros

William Kyngesburye wrote:

--with-opengl-libs=/usr/X11R6/lib should be the only option needed.
Without it, the opengl checks might accidentally find the OSX version
of the opengl libs, not the X11 version, and this may be what is
confusing NVIZ and causing the crash.

I'm fairly sure that would result in a compile-time error due to
missing glX* symbols.

But, why would you want an X11 version of NVIZ on OSX?

Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>

On May 9, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Glynn Clements wrote:

William Kyngesburye wrote:

--with-opengl-libs=/usr/X11R6/lib should be the only option needed.
Without it, the opengl checks might accidentally find the OSX version
of the opengl libs, not the X11 version, and this may be what is
confusing NVIZ and causing the crash.

I'm fairly sure that would result in a compile-time error due to
missing glX* symbols.

Hmm, probably. It's been a while since I found that I needed to specify --with-opengl-libs=, so I don't remember what the problem was exactly.

But, why would you want an X11 version of NVIZ on OSX?

It's the only way it works reliably right now. Built with TclTk Aqua, NVIZ runs initially, but has other problems. Not to mention that Tcltk Aqua has general appearance quirks - it almost looks more out of place on OSX than TclTk X11.

With the focus on moving the GUI to Python I haven't looked into figuring out details. Presumably, a non-TclTk version of NVIZ will be developed.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"Those people who most want to rule people are, ipso-facto, those least suited to do it."

- A rule of the universe, from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy