i have the same problem (nviz crash)
to avoid any conflict with other libraries that i’ve installed on my mac (intel machine)
i formatted the HD
i installed osx on it
Xcode and GCC
now i’m tring to buid grass on a fresh osx 10.4.9 installation
(so i’m sure that there is not external library or
somethink like fink-darwinports environment that can be a possible conflict)
to install grass as first step,
i installed the tcltk library (8.14) from source as suggested in the readme file.
then i tried to configure grass63-cvs =
cvs downoad …
cd …/grass6
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/Applications --enable-macosx-app --enable-sysv
export TCLTKPREFIX=/usr/local/tcltk/
sudo make install
.configure give me not errors
idem with make
butr try to use nviz … it crash!
again i tried to configure grass with the same .configure,
but in usr/local instead of /application :
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ …(without : --enable-macosx-app ) …
i’ve the same results (nviz crash)
using the --prefix=/usr/local
grass start with a native aqua gui and no x11
(can this hep to indagate the nviz problem ?)
Il giorno 09/mag/07, alle ore 17:24, grass-dev-request@grass.itc.it ha scritto:
I did make distclean before compiling. On the binary nviz is still crashing