On 4/23/07 11:59 AM, "Glynn Clements" <glynn@gclements.plus.com> wrote:
Michael Barton wrote:
Why do you think it is not maintainable? We are maintaining it now and it is
far better than equivalent packages in other GIS platforms (if they even
exist). There also are likely to be more people with python/wxPython
expertise than we now have with TclTk expertise, which bodes well for future
maintainability and enhancements.
How long have we been trying to get "max res PPM" working (or, at
least, to fail in ways which don't involve rebooting)?
Maybe we should give up on this
Beyond that, NVIZ is pretty ugly, structurally.
Agreed. It still uses quite a bit of very old TclTk syntax, as well as some
very clunky ways of doing things (maybe necessitated when it was written).
There is a lot of legacy code in GRASS, simply because it's been around so
long with so many contributors.
We should be conservative about taking on **new** code responsibilities
unless we have the development team to manage them into the future. But with
the development team growing, and inclusion into OSGEO, I don't see any
reason to jettison existing GRASS functionality--especially a piece that is
so good and has been a key part of GRASS for so long. Many other programs
exist that do parts of what GRASS does (GDAL, MySQL, ParaView, GIMP,
QCAD)--and sometimes do it with much more sophistication. GRASS brings
needed functionality together in an integrated way to provide a rich and
complete GIS environment.
I thought that NVIZ *was* going to be jettisoned in favour of a Python
version? That process isn't going to retain much of the original code.
Agreed again. There is no point in simply porting the current NVIZ to
wxPython. This is a good chance to improve visualization in general.
However, I'd hate to lose the ability to visualize multidimensional data
within GRASS like we can now--however it is done.
Rather than passing off visualization to other apps, I'd hope we can take
this opportunity to improve how it works in GRASS.
FWIW, I would be in favour of doing that. Apart from anything else, a
replacement ought to be much cleaner.
More generally, when creating an application of that level of
complexity, structure matters. A lot. It isn't sufficient for the end
result to work; people need to be able to modify it without first
having to spend days or even weeks studying the code.
Yes. And documentation helps a lot too.
Regarding "PyNVIZ", my main suggestion would be to keep the amount of
C to a bare minimum. Create direct Python bindings for OGSF and write
the rest in Python. Trying to understand code which is split between
multiple languages is hard, and debugging it is even worse.
Only dealing with the GUI end of it, I take your word on this.
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity
Arizona State University
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton