[GRASS-dev] RFC: Module Option Parser

Hi and best wishes for the holidays,

If one of the readline completion thingies is included in the
distribution by default, the latter is tab-searchable and respecting
the "namespaces" introduced by the naming convention is enough to
grant CLI users a good expereience.

the grass shell is just a terminal shell, so if the system has command line
completion, the grass shell will too (for executable modules, etc). What the
grass add-on provides is command line competion for map names. I'm not sure if
this includes fixed parameter options as well, but I suppose it could.

As for docs, it could be good to have a main "introductory" page for
the general intent of each command from the "namespace" (in the same
spirit as sql.html and the like) referencing each commands specific
documentation (and linking back). I agree this is a little cumbersome
for maintenance.

We already have something like this,
   ("make html2pdfdoc" prettified with LyX)

I don't mind having 300 command line modules available from the command line-
as long as the GUI menus are limitted to 8-12 options per submenu and they hint
somewhere what the module name is for each function. Well designed GUI menus
will act as a teaching tool for the respective command line module names for
each group of functions.

back to the food,

ps - r.li.* names still need some cleanup.

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