[GRASS-dev] RPC and lib/python/temporal/testsuite/test_doctests.py on MS Windows

Hi all,

when running the tests on MS Windows doctest for grass.temporal does not continue when fatal error was issued by libgis server. stderr ends with:

C:.…\grass_trunk_r64651\lib\python\temporal\testsuite>python test_doctests.py
…Default TGIS driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
Creating temporal database:
ERROR: Fatal Error in C library server

There are some failed tests but that’s most likely unrelated, the problem is that the process is still running but giving no further output. This probably means that any temporal module which will cause fatal error with hang like this.

After pressing Ctrl+C I get:

WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server

but the process does not end and I had to press Ctrl+C several times (and got the warning several times) to actually end the process.

On Ubuntu there are no failed tests but more importantly, the libgis server is restarted as expected and the test ends successfully:

…Default TGIS driver / database set to:
driver: sqlite
Creating temporal database:

ERROR: Fatal Error in C library server
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server
ERROR: Fatal Error in C library server
WARNING:root:Needed to restart the libgis server

Do you have any idea why it gets stuck when the RPC server exits?

How to test this on MS Windows

Install the latest build of trunk for Windows. Get the latest source code: If you don’t have Subversion on Windows, checkout the latest version on Linux (or make distclean && svn up), zip it and unzip it on Windows. Run GRASS (cmd line is enough). Cd into the source code, into the lib\python\temporal\testsuite directory and run:

python test_doctests.py

Alternatively, cd into the source code dir and run all tests as usually (http://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/libpython/gunittest_running_tests.html):

python -m grass.gunittest.main --location nc_spm_08_grass7 --location-type nc

This of course applies if you are not compiling yourself, if you do, you have corresponding binary and source code on you computer.