Hi Michael, Markus, ...,
that's true, '--q/--v' should not influence format for listing in this
way! I added parameter 'ncols' for "Number of elements per line". But
the verbose listing still uses G_list_elements(), so 'ncols' doesn't
work together with '-f' flag.
Path attached.
For scripting
$ g.list rast ncols=1 --q
$ g.list help
Lists available GRASS data base files of the user-specified data type
to standard output.
general, map management
g.list [-f] type=datatype[,datatype,...] [mapset=string] [ncols=value]
[--verbose] [--quiet]
-f Verbose listing (also list map titles)
Prints one element per line
--v Verbose module output
--q Quiet module output
type Data type
options: rast,rast3d,vect,oldvect,asciivect,icon,labels,sites,
mapset Mapset to list (default: current search path)
ncols Number of elements per line (0 for autodetect)
default: 0
2007/9/4, Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>:
Thanks very much Martin. Not knowing C, I'm not exactly sure what to do with
this, but will try to work with it if no one else gets to it first. I'm not
sure I'd hang the different format on the --q flag. Maybe a -l (for
listing?) flag would be better.
Once this is worked out and in the cvs, I'll put it into select.py. I don't
know if you've had a chance to look, but I added a class to allow select to
be called in a separate dialog and a method that lets you update the element
list after you've created a selection control.
On 9/4/07 2:37 AM, "Martin Landa" <landa.martin@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I tried to modify g.list. Instead of G_list_element(), the patch call
> G_list() and G_ls_format() .
> Patch attached (not committed to CVS).
> E.g.
> $ g.list rast
> ----------------------------------------------
> raster files available in mapset <martin>:
> asp
> ----------------------------------------------
> raster files available in mapset <PERMANENT>:
> aspect elevation.dem fields landuse roads
> soil.br.depth soils.ph strm.dist trn.sites
> bugsites elevation.dted geology owner
> rstrct.areas soils soils.range texture uparea
> density erode.index landcover.30m quads
> rushmore soils.Kfactor spot.image tractids
> vegcover
> elevation.10m erosion1 landcover.orig railroads slope
> soils.Tfactor streams transport.misc
> $ g.list rast --q
> asp
> aspect
> bugsites
> density
> elevation.10m
> elevation.dem
> elevation.dted
> erode.index
> erosion1
> fields
> geology
> landcover.30m
> landcover.orig
> landuse
> owner
> quads
> railroads
> roads
> rstrct.areas
> rushmore
> slope
> soil.br.depth
> soils
> soils.Kfactor
> soils.Tfactor
> soils.ph
> soils.range
> spot.image
> streams
> strm.dist
> texture
> tractids
> transport.misc
> trn.sites
> uparea
> vegcover
> Martin
> 2007/9/3, Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>:
>> Awhile ago, I think g.mlist output was changed so that it sent out a single
>> list of maps or other GIS elements rather than a multicolumn list. Is there
>> a way to add a flag to g.list so that it can produce output in the same way?
>> As it is, the output of g.list cannot easily be parsed within a script
>> because of it's multicolumn output. If the output could be a nice, clean
>> single list, it *would* be parsable. Within a script, g.list is preferable
>> over g.mlist for finding all relevant files in a mapset because it seems
>> considerably faster.
>> Michael
>> __________________________________________
>> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
>> Director of Graduate Studies
>> School of Human Evolution & Social Change
>> Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
>> Arizona State University
>> phone: 480-965-6213
>> fax: 480-965-7671
>> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
>> _______________________________________________
>> grass-dev mailing list
>> grass-dev@grass.itc.it
>> http://grass.itc.it/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University
phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
Martin Landa <landa.martin@gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *
g-list-vq-2.diff.gz (2.46 KB)