I have more than 22000 GeoTiff’s stored in a folder (the world coverage of ASTER GDEM) and I have to select among them only those covering the Europe area, in order to import them in GRASS. I was about to write a Python script to do that (using gdalinfo), but I felt like reinventing the wheel, because I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen in the internet something doing that, but can’t remember where… or likely some of you guys has already experienced this and are willing to share a script
Dr. Margherita Di Leo
Solved by:
gdaltindex index.shp *.tif
ogr2ogr -f CSV list.csv an_index.shp -spat xmin ymin xmax ymax
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Margherita Di Leo <dileomargherita@gmail.com> wrote:
I have more than 22000 GeoTiff’s stored in a folder (the world coverage of ASTER GDEM) and I have to select among them only those covering the Europe area, in order to import them in GRASS. I was about to write a Python script to do that (using gdalinfo), but I felt like reinventing the wheel, because I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen in the internet something doing that, but can’t remember where… or likely some of you guys has already experienced this and are willing to share a script
Dr. Margherita Di Leo
Dr. Margherita Di Leo