This is Bo Yang from the University of Cincinnati. I am working with Moritz and Markus for the GSoC 2016 project-- Additional segmentation algorithms for i.segment [0]. Currently, the i.segment module only provides one segmentation algorithm: region-growing. The code of i.segment was structured in a way that allows addition of other algorithms. I plan to add
More algorithms such as mean-shift and watershed. To prepare for it, I searched some literatures about both algorithms below, I’d like to consult if anyone have more recommended references.
Comaniciu, D., & Meer, P. (2002). Mean shift: a robust approach toward feature space analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(5), 1–37.
Shafarenko, Leila, Maria Petrou, and Josef Kittler. “Automatic watershed segmentation of randomly textured color images.” Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 6.11 (1997): 1530-1544.
Haris, Kostas, et al. “Hybrid image segmentation using watersheds and fast region merging.” Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 7.12 (1998): 1684-1699.
In addition, is there anyone who use win10 OS to compile the GRASS? I have compiled GRASS in window 10 64bit system followed the tutorial [1]. In last step of the tutorial it mentioned:
To start GRASS use the icon on the desktop or if you want to be able to use the command line from within GRASS.
Type in cmd console (assuming that we compiled GRASS 7.1):
However, No matter I use CMD console or the OSGeo4W Shell. I got the same error below:
‘“”’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
From the error.log there is no error during the compiling. There is no error reported in former steps either, and I can see the file " grass71svn.bat " is located in the right place. But I still can’t start the compiled GRASS. I Googled this error but can’t find helpful information. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciate.
P.S. scripts in grass71svn.bat:
@echo off
rem #########################################################################
rem #
rem # GRASS initialization bat script (OSGeo4W)
rem #
rem #########################################################################
SET OSGEO4W_ROOT=@osgeo4w@
rem Set environmental variables
call %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\o4w_env.bat
call %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass-7.1.svn\etc\env.bat
rem Launch GRASS GIS
“%GRASS_PYTHON%” “%GISBASE%\etc\grass71.py” %*
rem Pause on error
if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 pause
[0] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_GSoC_2016_Segment_Algorithms