I try to import a 1GB Shapefile and the geometries seem to be in a really
bad condition. Building topology GRASS exits after 30 hours with an OUT OF
MEMORY! error (see below).
Can someone give me hint, what I could do, to import this file? Using -c or
-f flag is no option, because I would like to use GRASS to clean the data as far
as possible automatically and I wouldn't like to split the file into subregion,
if I don't have to.
The PC I use is a dual core 1,8MHz with 4GB RAM and 1.6GB swap. Is this still
not enough or can I change something in GRASS (extend or change memory
parameter) to finish the import? I used a svn version from yesterday.
below you see parts of the 230MB log file:
############# part of logfile
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match
Layer: schutzgebiete
Importiere 886619 Objekte der Karte...
WARNUNG: Area size [1.1e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [5.0e-06], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [1.1e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [8.6e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [7.1e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [2.5e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [3.9e-05], area not imported
WARNUNG: Area size [6.6e-05], area not imported
Building topology for vector map <schutzgebiete>...
Registriere Linien
902000 903000 904000
906094 primitives registered
Building areas:
714558 areas built
625964 isles built
Füge Inselflächen hinzu:
Füge Zentroide hinzu:
Topology was built
Anzahl von Knoten : 745666
Anzahl von Primitives : 906094
Anzahl von Punkten : 0
Anzahl von Linien : 0
Anzahl von Boundaries : 906094
Anzahl von Zentroiden : 0
Anzahl von Flächen : 714558
Anzahl von Inseln : 625964
Anzahl inkorrekter Boundaries : 246365
Anzahl von Flächen ohne Zentroid : 714558
WARNUNG: Cleaning polygons, result is not guaranteed!
Building topology for vector map <schutzgebiete>...
Topology was built
Anzahl von Knoten : 745666
Anzahl von Primitives : 906094
Anzahl von Punkten : 0
Anzahl von Linien : 0
Anzahl von Boundaries : 906094
Anzahl von Zentroiden : 0
Anzahl von Flächen : -
Anzahl von Inseln : -
Break polygons:
Registering points 566154
Registering points 1023238
Registering points 10910043
Registering points 10910043
All points (vertices): 20905602
Registered points (unique coordinates): 10910043
Points marked for break: 1270535
Breaks: 0
Breaks: 217
Breaks: 285
Breaks: 295
Breaks: 351
Breaks: 372
Breaks: 385
Breaks: 3918420
Breaks: 3918432
Breaks: 3918711
Breaks: 3918732
Breaks: 3918832
Remove duplicates:
Duplicates: 0
Duplicates: 1
Duplicates: 2
Duplicates: 3Duplicates: 28596
Duplicates: 28597
Duplicates: 28598
Clean boundaries at nodes:
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 765495
Modifications: 765495
Break boundaries:
Intersections: 0
Intersections: 0 (line 3513)
Intersections: 0 (line 4577)
Intersections: 0 (line 10159)
Intersections: 503 (line 6431268)
Intersections: 503 (line 6431505)
Intersections: 503
Remove duplicates:
Duplicates: 0
Duplicates: 1
Duplicates: 2429
Duplicates: 2430
Clean boundaries at nodes:
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Modifications: 0
Change dangles to lines:
Removed dangles: 0 removed lines: 0
Removed dangles: 0 removed lines: 1
Removed dangles: 1 removed lines: 2
Removed dangles: 2 removed lines: 3
Removed dangles: 10527 removed lines: 10528
Removed dangles: 10528 removed lines: 10529
Removed dangles: 10529 removed lines: 10529
Remove bridges:
Removed bridges: 0 removed lines: 0
Removed bridges: 0 removed lines: 0
Removed bridges: 0 removed lines: 0
Removed bridges: 0 removed lines: 0
WARNUNG: Kann den FlÃ___chenzentroiden nicht berechnen.
WARNUNG: Kann den FlÃ___chenzentroiden nicht berechnen.
WARNUNG: Kann den FlÃ___chenzentroiden nicht berechnen.
WARNUNG: Kann den FlÃ___chenzentroiden nicht berechnen.
WARNUNG: Kann den FlÃ___chenzentroiden nicht berechnen.
Layer: schutzgebiete