I am sorry. I have posted reports only to SoC mailing list. There are my two GSoC reports which I have written so far:
Report #2:
1) What do I have completed this week?
GRASS Community Sprint [1] continued through the weekend until the Monday.
Until the end of the event I managed to make interactive inserting of coordinates from map window to module parameter field workable.
Whole summary of my work at the event can be found at [2].
After Community Sprint I had to spend some time with learning for exam and dealing with other school stuff.
From Thursday I have been studying existing code, which can be used for implementation of dialog for work with v.net.* modules.
2) What am I going to achieve for next week?
I am going to create the dialog for work with v.net.* modules.
3) Is there any blocking issue?
[2]http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:GRASS_Community_Sprint_Prague_2012#Stepan_Turek \
Report #1:
1) What do I have completed this week?
Currently, I take part in GRASS Community Sprint [1]. I discussed my GSoC project with mentors.
I started implementing feature for interactive inserting of coordinates from
map window to module parameter field, in order to get familiar with GRASS WxGUI.
2) What am I going to achieve for next week?
I am going to finish the feature for interactive inserting coordinates and continue study WxGUI code.
3) Is there any blocking issue?
So far, no.
[1] http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_Community_Sprint_Prague_2012