I just try to link a postgis table with v.external but it return an error
GRASS 6.4.2svn (utm32n):~ > v.external dsn="PG:host=localhost
user=lucadelu dbname=osm" layer=trentino_point
Building topology for vector map <trentino_point_grass>...
WARNING: Random read is not supported by OGR for this layer, cannot build
can someonee test it? I just load an OSM file into postgis with
osm2pgsql [0] and after try to link a table in GRASS
I just try to link a postgis table with v.external but it return an error
GRASS 6.4.2svn (utm32n):~ > v.external dsn="PG:host=localhost
user=lucadelu dbname=osm" layer=trentino_point
Building topology for vector map <trentino_point_grass>...
WARNING: Random read is not supported by OGR for this layer, cannot build
can someonee test it? I just load an OSM file into postgis with
the link is probably created (try `v.info`) but pseudo-topology is not
possible to build. In other words you can access features on level 1
(without topology). Has linked feature table defined primary key? BTW,
better to test `v.external` in G7 where many bugs when accessing OGR
data have been fixed.