[GRASS-dev] v.what.rast patch: where statement added


I have a map of tick sampling sites and a few sites
are lacking the elevation. Only those I want to update
from a DEM which is easily done with v.what.rast.
I have added a where= statement to the program (patch
attached) which works as it is rather trivial.

The only issue is that the program states at the end:
25 categories loaded from table
24 categories loaded from vector
0 categories from vector missing in table
0 duplicate categories in vector
24 records updated
0 update errors

In case the user uses where="height=0"
then "XX records updated" is wrong as it is calculated
on the base of geometry, not DBMI events.
My patch contains a dirty deactivation of this message
in case where= is used. Of course it would be nicer to
see the actual number there.

Any ideas?



v_what_rast.diff (1.82 KB)