- What did you get done this week?
This week’s topic was documentation. Unfortunately, I was not able to work fully on GSoC as I expected. However, at the end I was able to get to the point when documentation is usable as is without further explanations (although is not as complete as I wanted it to be). Documentation now contains basic example, explanation of terminology and more advanced cases and detailed notes about selected details. Not all assert methods are fully documented but they should be understandable if nothing else, their source code and their tests should explain.
There is currently 22 successfully running test files and 5 failing test files, 11 successfully running testsuites and 3 failing testsuites, and 752 successfully running tests and 34 failing tests (507 of the tests are from PyGRASS module test). This applies to a NC SPM location and the configuration of system at a computer where tests were executed. Test are running once a day (so far 8 days; with one improvement during this period).
- What do you plan on doing next week?
Next week begin with suggested pencils down date, so I really plan only minor improvements, mostly in documentation. This time I know that I will not have much time for GSoC, so I don’t plan much.
However, I will be able to provide support for those who decide to write some tests. Documentation is OK but hot line is better I guess. Note that test whether a module runs when right parameters are provided is good enough test and even this trivial test might prove helpful in the future.
- Are you blocked on anything?
I did not extended reports by including the information about platform, configuration and name. This should should be done for the reports before other things.
The online documentation for gunittest package is not fully generated and I don’t know why, perhaps Python 2.6 versus 2.7 problem. It compiles locally for me, so I suggest other to do the same for now (make sphinxdoc
Doc (current version rendered by Trac):
Example of a cron job:
Daily test results online: