- What did you get done this week?
This week I was not able to work on GSoC as I planed because I needed to focus on other things, some of them GRASS-related. Most importantly, I was working on the GRASS FOSS4G workshop. Specifically, I was working on the format and technology to show examples and procedures in different languages (I’m not yet ready to publish the examples). In the relation to GSoC, I hope that the format I’ve designed will enable creation of tests based on materials like this which was one of my ideas for the alternative use cases for testing framework. By chance I also found a code quality evaluation tool, pep257, which is similar to pep8 but checks the style of docstrings.
- What do you plan on doing next week?
I will try to make advances in comparison of raster and vector maps. There are different alternatives how maps can be compared ranging from check sums of raster map’s files to text-based comparison of exports of vector maps.
The plan for week five was rewriting some of the existing tests to the new format. But I already have some tests created in previous weeks and I’m writing tests for the framework itself, so I have enough material to work with.
- Are you blocked on anything?
My weekly plan got delayed but I hope to catch up the schedule in the next two weeks.