[GRASS-dev] Why the parameters of "g.region" are defined as string?

Hi all,

Today I've just realize that the parameter of g.region are defined as string:


for example:

    parm.north = G_define_option();
    parm.north->key = "n";
    parm.north->key_desc = "value";
    parm.north->required = NO;
    parm.north->multiple = NO;
    parm.north->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.north->description = _("Value for the northern edge");
    parm.north->guisection = _("Bounds");

Why should we not use TYPE_DOUBLE for these parameters (n,s,e,w,)? Is
it to not loose significant digits?

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I was not able to find
any reference in the mailing-list's archive.

Best regards


On 08/12/2013 05:39 PM, Pietro wrote:

Hi all,

Today I've just realize that the parameter of g.region are defined as string:



Why should we not use TYPE_DOUBLE for these parameters (n,s,e,w,)? Is
it to not loose significant digits?

It needs to be a string, so that you can use
common lat/lon notations in the format "°dd'mm''ss".


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I was not able to find
any reference in the mailing-list's archive.

Best regards

grass-dev mailing list

Dr. Benjamin Ducke, M.A.
{*} Geospatial Consultant
{*} GIS Developer


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Benjamin Ducke <benducke@fastmail.fm> wrote:

On 08/12/2013 05:39 PM, Pietro wrote:


Why should we not use TYPE_DOUBLE for these parameters (n,s,e,w,)? Is
it to not loose significant digits?

It needs to be a string, so that you can use
common lat/lon notations in the format "°dd'mm''ss".

Thank you Ben! I didn't thought to the lat/lon notation.

Best regards



It needs to be a string, so that you can use
common lat/lon notations in the format "°dd'mm''ss".

technically it's like ddd:mm:ss.ssssH.
see the v.in.ascii man page. fwiw GMT mapping uses something similar.



ps- the wxgui loc'n wizard still doesn't support that? :frowning: