The current dev versions are so much better than 6.4.2 stable that I'd
prefer the students to experience them rather than the dated and more
buggy stable version.
I would challenge the assertion that 6.4.2 is dated and buggy in any
serious manner. It is your call of course, but from my POV I would not put
students (or new users in general) in front of untested development
versions, they never know if when something goes wrong if it is them or
the software, or if the software is just "too hard".
The only critical bug I know of that is fixed in svn is that the addon
downloads from Martin's server are not working on WinGrass, which is
apparently fixed in svn but it would be really really nice if a 6.4.2-3
binary installer was issued with just that fix added. (not sure, did
something change server-side?)
thanks for the quick answer about WinGRASS6.4.2-2, here is a related question
- would it be possible to post a WinGRASS6.5 snapshot (even if it is not daily)?
I am in a similar situation as Michael and although I plan to use mostly 6.4.2, I would like to show the students some new features
available in GRASS6.5, especially wxnviz (and they can do some testing along the way),
thank you,
Helena Mitasova
Associate Professor
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
2800 Faucette Drive, Rm. 1125 Jordan Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208
"All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.”
On Aug 14, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Hamish wrote:
The current dev versions are so much better than 6.4.2 stable that I'd
prefer the students to experience them rather than the dated and more
buggy stable version.
I would challenge the assertion that 6.4.2 is dated and buggy in any
serious manner. It is your call of course, but from my POV I would not put
students (or new users in general) in front of untested development
versions, they never know if when something goes wrong if it is them or
the software, or if the software is just "too hard".
The only critical bug I know of that is fixed in svn is that the addon
downloads from Martin's server are not working on WinGrass, which is
apparently fixed in svn but it would be really really nice if a 6.4.2-3
binary installer was issued with just that fix added. (not sure, did
something change server-side?)
thanks for the quick answer about WinGRASS6.4.2-2, here is a related question
- would it be possible to post a WinGRASS6.5 snapshot (even if it is not daily)?
I am in a similar situation as Michael and although I plan to use mostly 6.4.2, I would like to show the students some new features
available in GRASS6.5, especially wxnviz (and they can do some testing along the way),
available from [1] (broken at this moment, I will try to fix it ASAP).
You could probably use also 6.4.3 [2] (?)
6.4.3 would be fine by me. But there is no link from the GRASS website. Thanks much for providing one here.
C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
thanks for the quick answer about WinGRASS6.4.2-2, here is a related question
- would it be possible to post a WinGRASS6.5 snapshot (even if it is not daily)?
I am in a similar situation as Michael and although I plan to use mostly 6.4.2, I would like to show the students some new features
available in GRASS6.5, especially wxnviz (and they can do some testing along the way),
available from [1] (broken at this moment, I will try to fix it ASAP).
You could probably use also 6.4.3 [2] (?)
Seems like there should be should be since you've gone to the trouble of making this available. I certainly appreciate it, but others could benefit too.
C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
There are indeed links off this page to dev versions of software. In fact there is a link to WinGRASS 6.5 (though no WinGRASS 6.5 exec file is at the link). But there is no link to WinGRASS 6.4.3. Martin's link shows that this exists. But it is not easy to find. I'm not sure how I'd get there without the link that Martin supplied.
C. Michael Barton
Director, Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Professor of Anthropology, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Arizona State University
There are indeed links off this page to dev versions of software. In fact there is a link to WinGRASS 6.5 (though no WinGRASS 6.5 exec file is at the link). But there is no link to WinGRASS 6.4.3. Martin's link shows that this exists. But it is not easy to find. I'm not sure how I'd get there without the link that Martin supplied.
There are indeed links off this page to dev versions of software. In fact there is a link to WinGRASS 6.5 (though no WinGRASS 6.5 exec file is at the link). But there is no link to WinGRASS 6.4.3. Martin's link shows that this exists. But it is not easy to find. I'm not sure how I'd get there without the link that Martin supplied.