ogr2ogr Moon_N.shp MOON_nomenclature.shp --config CENTER_LONG 0 -t_srs ‘+proj=longlat +a=1737400 +b=1737400 +no_defs’
Warning 1: Field name of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field clean_name of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field origin of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field type of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field code of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field approval of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field ethnicity of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field continent of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: Field quad_name of width 255 truncated to 254.
Warning 1: One or several characters couldn’t be converted correctly from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.
This warning will not be emitted anymore.