[GRASS5] beta1 beta1 was released, you can get the source package:


or you can download it from cvs:

   cvs -z3 co -r grass_6_0_0_beta_1 grass51


Radim wrote beta1 was released, you can get the source package:


or you can download it from cvs:

cvs -z3 co -r grass_6_0_0_beta_1 grass51


grass5 mailing list


Grass 6.0.0 beta 1 for OS X is ready for testing. Download at:



|| Lorenzo Moretti e-mail: lorenzo.moretti@bologna.enea.it
||/|/| ENEA prot/idr Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/
|| | via Don Fiammelli, 2 FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (res.)

Download GRASS for MAC OS X:

I'll tag beta2 tomorrow. It will be probably the last beta.


Radim Blazek wrote: beta1 was released, you can get the source package:


or you can download it from cvs:

  cvs -z3 co -r grass_6_0_0_beta_1 grass51


grass5 mailing list

I have recently tried GRASS6 on Mac and MSWindows and found that
GRASS_PAGER uses less instead of more, which is very incovenient
(and for some people confusing, because you have to type q after
running g.list to get your grass prompt back). Is there a reason
why it cannot be set as Lorenzo suggests and why is there the
less alternative? (see my guess below) People who haven't used
GRASS before would not realize that this behavior can be changed
as Hamish suggests below.

thanks for any hints,


Lorenzo suggests:

It's more useful add this env in lib/init/init.sh

row 28
+ export GRASS_PAGER
or no ?

My answer:


it is there already and it looks like it uses less if it cannot find
more under /bin ???

173 # Once the new environment system is committed we can delete these
    174 # Export the PAGER environment variable for those who have it
    175 if [ "$PAGER" ] ; then
    176 export PAGER
    177 fi
    179 # Set some environment variables if they are not set
    180 if [ ! "$GRASS_PAGER" ] ; then
    181 if [ -x /bin/more ] ; then
    182 GRASS_PAGER=more
    183 else
    184 GRASS_PAGER=less
    185 fi
    186 export GRASS_PAGER

Lorenzo Moretti wrote:

Hi Elena

> Lorenzo,
> I just got some hints from Hamish - it is defined by environmental
> variable so I should be able to change it. But it would be nice to
> have it as default.
> thank you for a quick answer,
> Helena
> Hamish says:
> ......yes, the GRASS_PAGER environmental variable.
> Mac binaries use "less" by default as well..
> run this:
> echo "export GRASS_PAGER=more" >> ~/.grass.bashrc
> (Mac OSX 10.2 uses csh so use setenv and .grass.cshrc there)
> see this thread too for a GUI option:

> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel/6573

I have recently tried GRASS6 on Mac and MSWindows and found that
GRASS_PAGER uses less instead of more, which is very incovenient
(and for some people confusing, because you have to type q after
running g.list to get your grass prompt back).


it is there already and it looks like it uses less if it cannot find
more under /bin ???

173 # Once the new environment system is committed we can delete
these lines
    174 # Export the PAGER environment variable for those who have it
    175 if [ "$PAGER" ] ; then
    176 export PAGER
    177 fi
    179 # Set some environment variables if they are not set
    180 if [ ! "$GRASS_PAGER" ] ; then
    181 if [ -x /bin/more ] ; then
    182 GRASS_PAGER=more
    183 else
    184 GRASS_PAGER=less
    185 fi
    186 export GRASS_PAGER

On Mac OSX, "more" is in /usr/bin/. init.sh updated in CVS to look
there too before reverting to "less". Where is it on cygwin?


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Hamish wrote:

    180 if [ ! "$GRASS_PAGER" ] ; then
    181 if [ -x /bin/more ] ; then
    182 GRASS_PAGER=more
    183 else
    184 GRASS_PAGER=less
    185 fi
    186 export GRASS_PAGER

On Mac OSX, "more" is in /usr/bin/. init.sh updated in CVS to look
there too before reverting to "less". Where is it on cygwin?

I don't think it is installed with a default Cygwin installation; perhaps that is where the original problem with hard-coded more came to light.

Anyway, from the GRASS SUBMITTING file:

21. If you write a shell script and search for a command in $PATH, do NOT
     use the "which" command or the "type -p" command. Both commands are not
     supported on all platforms, thus causing problems for some people. As an
     alternative, please use code similar to the following shell script snippet
     which will perform the same function. In this case, the path of the grass5
     command is saved if grass5 is found in $PATH. This won't recognize aliased
     command name.

   # Search for grass5 command in user's path
   for i in `echo $PATH | sed 's/^:/.:confused:
             s/:confused: /g'`
       if [ -f $i/grass5 ] ; then

     # Save the path of the grass5 command
     # Use the first one in user's path

So that's probably how the test should be done.
