[GRASS5] Angle of incidence in viewshed/line of sight

Well, I have done some experimenting installing binaries
on different systems
and found that it works better than I expected.
Most Linux distributions in use today are pretty compatible
regarding basic system libs and since newer version of those
libs are usually backward copatible, one could compile
a version on an older system and newer once should be able
to run it.
I expect even less trouble from MacOS and Windows;
cross-compilers for these plattforms seem to be available
for Linux.
Basically, once the final GRASS 6 gets out, it should
be possible to provide binaries of add-on C modules,
that can just be copied into /usr/local/grass/bin or
wherever the user installed to.

I am still working on getting things to compile from
source outside the GRASS source tree.
For this to work, I have to re-arrange a lot of my source
code. Since I have been busy with other coding these
last weeks, there is no progress here, but it is the
next thing I am going to look into.



----- Originalnachricht -----
Von: Michael Barton <michael.barton@asu.edu>
Datum: Dienstag, 8. März 2005 6:51 am
Betreff: Re: [GRASS5] Angle of incidence in viewshed/line of sight


How are you coming on a way to install code like this without
compiling or
recompiling GRASS?

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>

> From: Benjamin Ducke <benducke@compuserve.de>
> Organization: FU Berlin
> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 21:33:12 +0100
> To: <grass5@grass.itc.it>
> Subject: Re: [GRASS5] Angle of incidence in viewshed/line of sight
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:28:14 +1300
> Hamish <hamish_nospam@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Just so we don't re-invent the wheel, has anyone developed the
code>>> for evaluating the angle of incidence from a single point
in the
>>> landscape (i.e. the point used for r.los) to cells within the
>>> viewshed? I am analyzing repeated historical topographic survey
>>> photographs (more on this later) and want to account for
components of
>>> registration and classification error due to terrain (angle of
>>> incidence). I have looked at the code for r.los and r.sun and
will be
>>> seeking help from some students in our new computer
science/geomatics>>> programme as I am not (yet) a programmer. Look
forward to any
>>> suggestions...
>> Yes, I have done this some time ago.
>> I modified r.los to return horizontal angle to target instead of
>> vertical angle to target for the values in the resultant raster
map. This
>> was for GRASS 5.0, but it should work for 6.0 just as well I
think. If
>> you want I can supply the code.
>> r.los is a real mess and doesn't scale well to larger grid sizes.
>> Be sure to check out r.cva as well:
>> http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~tcrnmar/GIS/r.cva.html
> The GRASS 5 version of r.cva is currently broken due to a bug
> in the floating point raster code I introduced myself (ahem).
> I will have finished an updated version for GRASS 6 next week
> that fixes the bug, handles vector points for observer positions
> and introduces attributes for observer positions just
> like Argh!nfo's Spatial Analyst uses.
> I'll ask Mark Lake to update the file on his webpage then.
> Regards,
> Benjamin.
>> r.sunmask with altitude and azimuth options might be another way.
>> Hamish
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