[GRASS5] [bug #2576] (grass) WARNING: Cannot open driver 'dbname=sabine,'

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2576


i read data from a pgsql database (db.connect driver=pg database="host=...,
dbname=rsdb, user=sabine, password=..."), imported them with v.in.ascii where
the attributes are stored to the pgsql database with a different dbname
(db.connect driver=pg database="host=..., dbname=rsdb, user=sabine,

when i have a look to the database, the data are stored propper. hence,
writing works. but i can't work with the data (v.surf.idw d.what.vect ...
nothing works):

GRASS 5.7.0 > echo "..." | db.select -c | v.in.ascii -z \
  out=temp200007311800 xcol=1 ycol=2 zcol=3 catcol=0 \
  columns='x float, y float, z int, parameter int, data float, \
  refper int, name varchar(20)'
WARNING: Vector 'temp200007311800' already exists and will be overwritten.
WARNING: coor files of vector 'temp200007311800@sabine' is larger than it
         should be (14 bytes excess).
Maximum input row length: 69
Maximum number of columns: 7
Minimum number of columns: 7
column: 1 type: double
column: 2 type: double
column: 3 type: integer
column: 4 type: integer
column: 5 type: double
column: 6 type: integer
column: 7 type: string length: 19
Building topology ...
8 primitives registered
0 areas built 0%
0 isles built
Topology was built.
Number of nodes : 8
Number of primitives: 8
Number of points : 8
Number of lines : 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids : 0
Number of areas : 0
Number of isles : 0
Mapset <sabine> in Location <oetztal>
GRASS 5.7.0 > g.list vect
vector files available in mapset sabine:
temp200007311800 temp200012311800

<sabine> in Location <oetztal> GRASS
5.7.0 > v.surf.idw in=temp200007311800 out=temp200007311800 fi=5
WARNING: Vector used instead of sites.
dbname=sabine,: no such driver available
WARNING: Cannot open driver 'dbname=sabine,'
ERROR: Cannot open database host=..., by driver dbname=sabine,
<sabine> in Location <oetztal> GRASS
5.7.0 > g.remove vect=temp200007311800
REMOVE [temp200007311800]
dbname=sabine,: no such driver available
WARNING: Cannot open driver 'dbname=sabine,'
WARNING: Cannot open database 'host=...,' by driver
WARNING: Cannot get info if table 'temp200007311800' linked to vector
WARNING: Cannot delete vector
<sabine> in Location <oetztal> GRASS
5.7.0 >


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Subject: WARNING: Cannot open driver 'dbname=sabine,'
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