[GRASS5] [bug #2714] (grass) mention v.llabel on v.to.rast

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2714

Paul> I think v.llabel is the simple way to do this

Sure wish it was mentioned on v.to.rast.

There is should mention more alternatives than just:
"An empty raster map layer will also be created if the vector map
layer has not been assigned category/attribute labels (e.g., through
use of the v.digit program)"

Also on v.llabel,
   A dig_plus file must be created for each imported vector map before it
   can be used in v.digit.
It should mention how to do this.

Also v.llabel mentions v.alabel but not visa versa.

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To: grass-bugs@intevation.de
Cc: Paul Kelly <paul-grass@stjohnspoint.co.uk>
Subject: mention v.llabel on v.to.rast
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From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 04:46:12 +0800
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