[GRASS5] [bug #2865] (grass) v.in.ogr fails many times importing shp files

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2865

Subject: v.in.ogr fails many times importing shp files

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 2004_12_18

v.in.ogr fails many times importing shp files.

This is a big problem because in cvs_2004_09_20 release v.in.ogr worked with all files.
Now I have many problems with many files.
I have created new empty LOCATION for importing files.
Same shp files worked with old v.in.ogr but now they go to error or Grass exit...
I always use -o flag (override)

Only few shp files don't have problems.

This is one error:
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Cannot open dbf database: /myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/
Cannot open database '/myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/'
Cannot open database /myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/ by driver dbf

but there are other messages.

Another error is a loop about breaking nodes.

It's impossible to import files.

v.external works without problem

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker


I was able to try v.in.ogr your 18 December 2004 build of GRASS 5.7 cvs for
Mac OSX. It worked fine for me.

I tried it with a shape file of points in a latlon region in Arizona (USA)
and with a shape file of polygons (always messy because ArcView is
non-topological) in a UTM (European Datum 1950) region in Spain. In both
cases, the vector shapes and attribute tables seemed to import correctly. I
just did a spot check, but the attribute table seemed to be correctly linked
to the vector shapes in both cases. In both cases, the attribute tables have
quite a few fields of diverse data types.

From your messages below, it seems perhaps that a dbf folder (or 'vect' text
file specifying it) was not properly created in your GRASS location. I did
not create new locations, but did create new mapsets for both tests.

I hope that this will be helpful to you in debugging this.


On 12/21/04 5:25 AM, "Request Tracker" <grass-bugs@intevation.de> wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2865

Subject: v.in.ogr fails many times importing shp files

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 2004_12_18

v.in.ogr fails many times importing shp files.

This is a big problem because in cvs_2004_09_20 release v.in.ogr worked with
all files.
Now I have many problems with many files.
I have created new empty LOCATION for importing files.
Same shp files worked with old v.in.ogr but now they go to error or Grass
I always use -o flag (override)

Only few shp files don't have problems.

This is one error:
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Cannot open dbf database: /myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/
Cannot open database '/myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/'
Cannot open database /myworks/grassdata/myproj_utm33/PERMANENT/dbf/ by driver

but there are other messages.

Another error is a loop about breaking nodes.

It's impossible to import files.

v.external works without problem

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>