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Subject: v.extract, v.overlay and database connection
I have a vector map with a database connected, but when I do a query by
atributes (v.extract) I loose this connection, I obtain a vectorial without
database, and I want a new data base (smaller) for this new vectorial map,
it is possible? I have tried to do v.db.connect after, I have tried also to
do the connection in the internal files but without success...
With v.overlay I obtain a new data base (dbf) for the new map, but this dbf
file do not have all the data (fields) of the original dbf... how can I
obtain the same dbf table but only for the new vector map?
Thank you
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Request Tracker wrote:
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Subject: v.extract, v.overlay and database connection
I have a vector map with a database connected, but when I do a query by atributes (v.extract) I loose this connection, I obtain a vectorial without database,
The 'new' option is < 0? The table is created only for new=-1.
> and I want a new data base (smaller) for this new vectorial map,
it is possible? I have tried to do v.db.connect after, I have tried also to do the connection in the internal files but without success...
With v.overlay I obtain a new data base (dbf) for the new map, but this dbf file do not have all the data (fields) of the original dbf... how can I obtain the same dbf table but only for the new vector map?
You have probably old version of GRASS 5.7, try something > Fri Dec 3 16:27:34 2004.