[GRASS5] [bug #2964] (grass) Please use libtool soname versioning

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2964

Currently the libraries are versioned like libgrass_shape.6.0.cvs.so
with links. It would be great if you could switch to a soname versioning
scheme a la libtool[1]. This would solve a problem with packaging
programs that depend on the grass libs. Right now, every new release of
grass will break the gdal-grass packages dependencies. The libgrass
version should change based on changes to its interface rather than
versions of grass.

I looked into using libtool for grass and it looked like it was very
helpful to use automake to integrate it. So are there reasons grass
isn't using automake/libtool already? If using libtool isn't palatable,
can we at least adopt the versioning scheme beginning at libgrass0.0.0?

I'm trying to follow the guidelines in the Debian library packaging


[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual.html#SEC32

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Subject: Please use libtool soname versioning
From: Steve Halasz <debian@adkgis.org>
To: grass-bugs@intevation.de
Cc: DebianGIS <pkg-grass-general@lists.alioth.debian.org>
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