[GRASS5] [bug #3002] (grass) G_parser() for GUIs and HTML help: missing opt->key_desc text

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3002

Request number 3002 was commented on by 'hbowman' (Harmish Bowman).
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Cc: grass5@grass.itc.it

HTML/man docs and GUIs should now show opt->key_desc if it exists.

e.g. makes v.mkgrid's help page and GUI options much easier to figure out.

applied to 6.0.x and 6.1 cvs branches. please test!

TODO: (by someone who knows some TCL)
Edit lib/gis/gui.tcl so that the option description in the GUI indicates if
multiple answers are ok.

e.g. (string[,string,...]; required)

or something like that.

"mult" = 0 or 1 is already there, just need to test & append the string.


-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 09:28:51AM +0200, Harmish Bowman via RT wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3002

HTML/man docs and GUIs should now show opt->key_desc if it exists.

e.g. makes v.mkgrid's help page and GUI options much easier to figure out.

applied to 6.0.x and 6.1 cvs branches. please test!


looks like a great improvement!

TODO: (by someone who knows some TCL)
Edit lib/gis/gui.tcl so that the option description in the GUI indicates if
multiple answers are ok.

e.g. (string[,string,...]; required)

or something like that.

"mult" = 0 or 1 is already there, just need to test & append the string.

Unfortunately I can't help much with tcl...


Harmish Bowman via RT wrote:

TODO: (by someone who knows some TCL)
Edit lib/gis/gui.tcl so that the option description in the GUI indicates if
multiple answers are ok.

e.g. (string[,string,...]; required)

or something like that.

"mult" = 0 or 1 is already there, just need to test & append the string.

Try the attached patch.

Glynn Clements <glynn@gclements.plus.com>


gui.tcl.diff (882 Bytes)