[GRASS5] [bug #3028] (grass) how to places an EPS in a ps map

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3028

Subject: how to places an EPS in a ps map

I want to put an EPS in a PS map so I put in the instruction file:

eps 0% 0%
  epsfile /home/jbc5/Imprimir_GRASS/eps/par157.eps
  scale 1
  rotate 0
  masked n

I have a problem with its situation, I have tried with UTM coordinates and
with % but I don't know the reference point of my EPS. My EPS file is a
little figure in one corner of a a4, where is the point of reference? in the
figure? out the figure? the figure have coordinates? because I don't
understand the place where the EPS appears in the PS map.



-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

Request Tracker wrote:

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3028

Subject: how to places an EPS in a ps map

I want to put an EPS in a PS map so I put in the instruction file:
eps 0% 0% epsfile /home/jbc5/Imprimir_GRASS/eps/par157.eps scale 1 rotate 0 masked n end
I have a problem with its situation, I have tried with UTM coordinates and with % but I don't know the reference point of my EPS. My EPS file is a little figure in one corner of a a4, where is the point of reference? in the figure? out the figure? the figure have coordinates? because I don't understand the place where the EPS appears in the PS map.

I think that reference points is center of bounding box.
If you need map coordinates, you have to use vpoints/eps.
