[GRASS5] [bug #3180] (grass) Re: [GRASSLIST:6578] Who wants contour lines labeled "300.000000"?

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3180

In "[GRASSLIST:6578] Who wants contour lines labeled "300.000000"?",
Jacobson discusses some points that may very well be actual bugs...

If I was using obsolete commands, that is because they should have been removed
but weren't.

PS, when we arrive at
we find it is really only a VectorTutorial
therefore, it should be a subpage of GrassSixTutorial.

P.S., I am carefully digitizing a line in v.digit, and I need
to pan down further. I click the pan button, and all my points
become lost. There is no consideration for people who need to
shift the view during line entry. And no warning that work will be

So I will have to use two lines.
And it looks like I'll have to join the lines outside of v.digit, as all one
can do there is add only 1 point to older lines.
So one must use v.build.polylines.

P.S., no error here:
$ g.remove non_existant;echo $?
It should act like rm(1) and cause an error.
Actually we didn't say vect=, rast= here. Still, raise an error.

file:///usr/lib/grass/docs/html/v.to.db.html links to v.category, not v.category.html.
Same problem on v.category.html.
Use a linkchecker.

In v.segment.html, say if offset and side offset mean X and Y or what.

In v.select documentation, say how to select the point at the intersection of two lines.
The line in map 1 is north south.
The line in map 2 is EW.

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To: grass-bugs@intevation.de
Subject: Re: [GRASSLIST:6578] Who wants contour lines labeled "300.000000"?
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From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni@jidanni.org>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 07:32:29 +0800
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