[GRASS5] [bug #3205] (grass) Why doesn't man v.to.db say how to load ALL values?!?

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3205

Why doesn't man v.to.db say how to load ALL values from a vector to a

In man v.db.connect, some examples spell out default values anyway!

Seg fault, GRASS 6.0.0:
v.to.db -s map=iso op=count column=ddd
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Table 'isot' doesn't exist.
Error in db_open_select_cursor()
Updating database ... make: *** [surf] Segmentation fault

v.to.db -ps ignores -s.

$ v.to.db -p map=iso op=count
ERROR: This option requires one column
$ v.to.db -p map=iso op=count column=ddd
I gave it a column but it changes its name.

Why does this allow saying output=c1?!?!:
$ v.category input=iso option=print output=c1

What do you know, one can do
v.category input=i2 option=print layer=1,2 #useful!
even though
v.category help says
              Layer number Default: 1
and the comma is only mentioned in connection with chlayer!
Well gosh!

v.surf.rst says:
  Warning : there is less than 400 points for interpolation, no
  segmentation is necessary, to run the program faster, set segmax=400
  (see manual)
So I did, and it ran slower.

$ d.barscale help
d.barscale [-mflt] [bcolor=name] [tcolor=name] [at=x,y]
Well, if all items have default values, why must
$ d.barscale
throw me into a quiz system asking me to set values?! Because at=
doesn't really have a default!!

TOO bad this is now broken:
$ d.text.freetype \
east_north=233337.0,2678767.0 \
path=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/bkai00mp.ttf text=bla
Segmentation fault

What good is d.text if one cannot specify a background color?!?

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Subject: Why doesn't man v.to.db say how to load ALL values?!?
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