From: Michael Barton <>
Sent: Fri, 20 May 2005 10:39:53 -0700> If you want to change your local
version, please go right ahead and
see how it looks.
Let's not change the cvs version until we have a consensus (if
possible). For work in my field (archaeology) and from what I know
of geography, the notation
]min ; max]
would be meaningless--although it might be perfect for your field
Ok, let's wait for things to settle. I attach a heavily overhauled version of
d.vect.thematic that does the following:
- takes care of the min included (it *is* in the first interval)
- is prepared for any bracketing needed, but uses the "a - b" notation currently
- solves the problem of using stdevs and having eg. min>mean-2stdev
The code, though, is much shorter since I've changed the way the script is
architectured. That's why I send it in toto instead of patch:
- I added an (internal, e.g. not accesible to users) "annotation" facility,
which miught be important for stdev-type classifications.
- I've factored all the query draw and print sections to work from a set of
breakpoint definitions, which are calculated differently for each of the
themecalc methods. It complicates thing a little but it allows for easier
classifier additions later, and is less cumbersome for further enhancements
(only one spot for changes).
- I've left the points part alone, since I don't have point data at hand to
test against, and I'd like your comments before refactoring further.
Please test and comment.
PS. this is not standalone as it still requires
Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-2402
voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
> From: Daniel Calvelo Aros <>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:22:08 -0500
> To: Michael Barton <>, Maciek Sieczka
> <>, Paolo Cavallini via RT <>
> Cc: grass devel <>
> Subject: Re: [GRASS5] Re: [bug #3246] (grass) d.vect.thematic fails when the
> map is in another mapset
> From: Michael Barton <>
> Sent: Fri, 20 May 2005 10:12:41 -0700
> [...]
>> I tend to agree with you that
>> min - max
>> looks better than
>>> min - max
>> although the second one is more accurate.
>> What does everyone else think?
> I'd like the math standard :
> [min ; cut1]
> ]cut1 ; cut2]
> ...
> ]cutn ; max]
> Note the *included* min. I'll see if I can put that into your current script,
> Michael.
> Daniel.
grass5 mailing list
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d.vect.thematic.dca (29.8 KB)