[GRASS5] [bug #3317] (grass) Some GRASS 6.0.0 bugs

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3317

Some GRASS 6.0.0 bugs that would take too much modem time to mail separately:

d.zoom: vector layer shows beyond raster layer to fill up empty part
of monitor.

man page says v.univar is for rasters:
       v.univar calculates univariate statistics of a raster map

$ v.info ...
    Type of Map: Vector (level: 2)
It should say "levels: 2", No?

v.what.rast sends six bells (^G) to the screen each run.

This returns an error but doesn't say why.
$ d.vect display=attr,shape attrcol=address map=bends2 xref=center \
  lcolor=black lsize=7 bgcolor=white; echo $?
It only draws the shapes.
Oh, I needed llayer=2. Well it should still say something instead of
just exiting 1.

This allows me to say attrcol without causing an error:
$ d.vect display=cat attrcol=address map=bends2 xref=center \
  lcolor=black lsize=7 bgcolor=white

$ man d.vect mentions 5.7 tutorial, not 6.0... better just say 'tutorial'

d.vect has no way to adjust line thickness

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Subject: Some GRASS 6.0.0 bugs
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